DOrSU–BS DevCom interns to take part in the forumZFD-led MHS Project
by DOrSU-PIO · Published · Updated

Selected students from Davao Oriental State University’s (DOrSU) Bachelor of Science in Development Communication (BS DevCom) are gearing up for an exciting internship opportunity with the Mindanao Histories and Studies (MHS) Project. This initiative, led by the Forum Civil Peace Service/forumZFD – Philippines Program in conjunction with the Mindanao Histories and Studies Advocacy Group (MHS AG), aims to highlight Mindanao’s diverse narratives and rich cultural heritage.
In a meeting held on February 19, 2024, at the DOrSU Board Room, University President Dr. Roy G. Ponce expressed his support for the internship program with the MHS Project. Dr. Ponce underscored the paramount importance of fostering inclusive historical education, citing the university’s own initiatives within the Province of Davao Oriental, particularly in partnership with Indigenous Peoples. He further emphasized how this collaboration resonates deeply with the university’s regenerative futures vision.
Representatives from forumZFD, led by Project Manager Gabs Sagaral, introduced the project’s objectives and shed light on forumZFD’s overarching mission and activities. She further pitched for future collaboration between DOrSU and forumZFD for joint initiatives focused on community engagement, capacity-building programs, and advocacy campaigns.
Dr. Carmela N. Hadia, BS DevCom Program Head, expressed her excitement about the internship program and other future collaborative endeavors. She emphasized the significant opportunities they represent for both students and the university.
During the visit, forumZFD’s production team also seized the opportunity to capture the essence of the enduring partnership between forumZFD and the Media Educators of Mindanao (MEM) for the Conflict-Sensitive Journalism Project, through a documentary featuring insightful interviews with Mr. Mark Aljen D. Binocal, a core member of MEM and a distinguished DevCom faculty member at DOrSU.