Home  ➢ Students ➢ Student Services Office of Student Counceling and Development

Office of Student Counseling and Development formerly GCTC is here to help you with your academic, personal, social and career needs. The Office is committed to help you attain your full academic potential, foster responsible independence and develop a sense of self-worth as you strive to identify and clarify your personal values and goals, through a supportive counseling relationship.


OSCD offers Counseling services, Testing service, Orientation services, Placement service, Individual Inventory service and information service.


You are welcome to visit the OSCD at the DORSU gymnasium, Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 5:00pm and contact us through our telephone number (084) 3884 – 815 or to our e-mail address and please like and follow our Facebook page @GCTCDOSCST.

INDIVIDUAL INVENTORY SERVICE – This service keeps the individual student records and reports to be utilized for counseling, planning the student’s educational and vocational programs and for administrative purposes.


COUNSELING SERVICE – This service aims to assist DORSU community, especially the student body lay a permanent foundation for making sound mature decision in their pursuit for self-fulfillment and self-actualization. This can be individual counseling (one-on-one with the guidance counselor) or group guidance as in group dynamics enrichment sessions, for a group discussion & group process.


ORIENTATION SERVICE – It acquaints and help you adjust with the school environment and situation.


INFORMATION SERVICE – This service is designed to promote environmental awareness. It aims to promote valuable information to inspire the students and give motivation for their success.


TESTING SERVICE – Testing helps individuals understand their strengths and weaknesses so they can better realize their potential. It can help appraise the students mental ability, emotional intelligence, personality profile, adjustment inventory, and self-report measure.


PLACEMENT SERVICE – A Placement Service is a continuous program which helps determine the manner to assign a student based on his/her personal and social adjustment. Students are placed in classes and programs suitable to their needs, interests and abilities. Moreover, they also receive appropriate training and preparation to ensure them that they will be prepared to land for a stable job after graduation.


FOLLOW-UP SERVICE – A continuous monitoring program designed to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention procedures in relation to student progress and adjustments. This service is undertaken as systematic evaluation of whether the guidance service in particular and the educational program in general have satisfied the needs of students.


PREVENTION AND WELLNESS – A service offered to the clientele aiming to encourage lifestyle change for healthy living and keep something from happening or worsen such as psychosocial, emotional and intellectual problems.