DOrSU employees trained to respond to emergencies

Selected staff and faculty of Davao Oriental State University
(DOrSU) received training from the City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO), City of Mati, to prepare them for emergencies that might arise at work, at home, or in other locations requiring first aid.
The three-day training began on September 14, 2022. It was packed with practical exercises that could be performed in an emergency, including car accidents, cardiac arrest, drowning, fractures, musculoskeletal injuries, and problems breathing.
After performing all the first-aid training activities, the CDDRMO Mati Chapter also provided skills evaluation to assess participants’ understanding of the activities and how they are correctly conducted and performed.
Ms. Karen Marie A. Bacalso, CDRRMO-Mati Emergency Medical Services Chief, said, “the training is a life skill that, if performed correctly, will surely save lives.” She emphasized that first-aid training aims to prevent further injury, preserve life, alleviate suffering, and promote recovery.
DOrSU President Dr. Roy G. Ponce, on the other hand, remarked that this training is timely, especially for the upcoming MASTS Games 2022 on November 6 to 11, 2022. (DOrSU PIO)