Alfredo’s Pitcher Plant

Scientific Name: Nepenthes alfredoi
Nepenthes alfredoi was described in 2017. It is the newest addition to the endemic pitcher plants of Davao Oriental.
This newly described pitcher plant species was named after a local scientist Alfredo Bolante Sr or “Tatay Pedoy” as known to many for his outstanding contribution for the conservation and protection of Mt. Hamiguitan. Tatay Pedoy was also the one who discovered the species and brought it to the attention of the researchers from the Central Mindanao University (CMU).
With its limited distributional range, and few mature plants documented, N. alfredoi is currently listed as Critically endangered species.
Aside from N. alfredoi, there are also four other pitcher plants species that can only be found in Mt. Hamiguitan. These are the N. hamiguitanensis, N. peltata, N. micramphora and N. justinae.