DOrSU steps up Fire Prevention Awareness Campaign, disseminates BFP’s safety tips
by DOrSU-PIO · Published · Updated

The Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU) has taken an active role in the nationwide observance of Fire Prevention Awareness Month this March by educating its students and faculty members on fire safety and prevention. By disseminating the following comprehensive list of fire safety tips recommended by the Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP), the university is raising awareness about the importance of fire safety measures.
- Do not panic: During a fire emergency, it is important to remain calm and focused to avoid making hasty decisions that could result in injuries.
- For cookware on fire, cover with a lid or wet rag to drown the flame: In case of a small fire in the kitchen, one should immediately cover the cookware with a lid or a damp rag to smother the fire.
- For an LPG safety valve on fire, use a wet rag to cover and drown the flame, then switch off the valve: Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) can cause major fires, and one should know how to handle an LPG-related fire emergency properly. If the LPG safety valve is on fire, one should immediately use a wet rag to cover and extinguish the flames, then turn off the valve.
- Do not switch on lights in a room with an LPG leak; this can trigger a spark that may cause an explosion: When there is an LPG leak, it is crucial not to turn on any lights or electrical appliances, as this can cause a spark that may trigger an explosion.
- Close the door of a burning room upon exiting to safety to prevent backdraft. Cover the gasps in the door with a wet cloth: Closing the door of a burning room helps prevent the spread of fire, smoke, and toxic gases. To further prevent the entry of oxygen that can cause an explosion, one should cover the gaps in the door with a wet cloth.
- If the house is covered with smoke, crawl towards the exit, there is fresh air one foot above the ground. Cover the mouth and nose with a wet cloth while exiting: During a fire, it is important to stay low to avoid inhaling the smoke and toxic gases that can cause harm to the body. One should crawl towards the exit with a wet cloth covering their nose and mouth to prevent inhaling poisonous fumes.
- If you are on fire, do not run. Stop, drop, and roll to put out the flame: If a person’s clothes are on fire, they should immediately stop, drop to the ground, and roll until the flames are out.
Earlier this month, university students and faculty members participated in a fire safety training conducted by the City of Mati BFP. By raising awareness about fire safety and prevention measures, DOrSU hopes to avert fire-related accidents and emergencies on campus and beyond.