DOrSU Management meets for QMS Review

The top management of Davao Oriental State University met today, September 19, 2022, at the DOrSU Boardroom, for the first Management Review to consider possible improvements, effectiveness, adequacy of the current Quality Management System (QMS), potential improvement opportunities, and to comply to ISO 9001:2015 standards.
DOrSU President Dr. Roy G. Ponce said this QMS review would identify areas where the university and its employees may improve, especially when it comes to positioning the institution as a Smart Regenerative Futures University.
Dr. Arvin A. Andacao also presented the internal evaluation results for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain (5S). He said all offices are compliant; however, some buildings must be “consistently” checked to avoid hazards and accidents.
Action plans were created to address the concerns.