The Schools Division Office of the City of Mati conducted a Benchmarking Activity at the Gender Research and Resource Center – Davao Oriental State University

The Schools Division Office of the City of Mati conducted a Benchmarking Activity at the Gender Research and Resource Center – Davao Oriental State University last March 15, 2023 at 9:00 o’lock in the morning. Led by the DepEd’s GAD Focal Persons, Ms. Ana Mae Padullon and Ms. Fritzie Aparra, the benchmarking activity aimed to intensify the implementation of gender and development in DepEd by learning from the best practices of DOrSU – its programs, projects and activities (PPAs) and GAD polices.
Moreover, a partnership meeting was also conducted in the afternoon with the DepEd’s Focal Person on Social Mobilization and Community Engagement, Dr. Leorisyl D. Siarot. Discussed in the meeting was the conduct of Training of Trainers with GAD Focal Persons in DepEd come June 2023. The said training is one of the activities to be implemented under the extension project of the Center titled: GAD Learning Academy in DepEd – City of Mati Division.
The whole day activity of the Center was led by Dr. Mary Fil M. Bauyot, Director for Extension. Also present in the activity were Dr. Helina Jean Dupa, GRRC Director and Prof. Jhonnel P. Villegas, Director for Research.