DOrSU is top JPO in Region XI
Davao Oriental State University is among the top Job Placement Offices (JPO) in implementing Career Guidance and Employment Coaching (CGEC) 2022, as recognized by the Department of Labor and Employment Regional Office XI.
The “Special Award” was given to the University Job Placement Officer, Ms. Trishea Amor C. Jacobe, during the Year-End Performance Assessment on December 1-2 at Dagat ni Baste Beach Resort, Pantukan, Davao De Oro.
This recent recognition is another success of DOrSU after receiving BAYANIHAN SERVICE (Plaque of Appreciation) on October 25, 2022, during the 22nd National PESO Congress at the SMX Convention Center, Clark Pampanga, for its contributions and employment facilitation efforts in response to the challenges brought by the COVID-19 pandemic. These recognitions are made possible because of the tireless efforts of the DOrSU JPO Ms. Trishea Amor C. Jacobe