DOrSU is Safety Seal certified by DILG

The Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) awarded Davao Oriental State University (DOrSU) the Safety Seal Certification on September 21, 2022, Wednesday, at the DOrSU hotel, confirming that it complies with the minimum public health standards set by the government for conducting face-to-face laboratory classes.
DOrSU President Dr. Roy G. Ponce congratulated all the DOrSU officials and constituents for the effort to comply with the requirements.
President Ponce also expressed his thanks to DILG City of Mati, headed by Ms. Ma. Theresa Obatonon, City of Mati PNP Chief PLtCol Ernesto M. Gregore, PMaj Al Anthony Gumban, CFM BFP SInsp Israel Johann C. Alagaban, SFO3 Jesusito Masanguid, and DILG Staff Jade Piligrin for subjecting DOrSU to inspection.
Thirty-four safety seal certificates in total were given to the University.