Conference Presentation

  1. Cabrera JS, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, Aljber M. Integrated framework for coastal zone health index and vulnerability assessment. ICCE2024. September 2024, Rome, Italy
  2. Cabrera JS, and Lee HS. Mangrove ecosystems as carbon sinks: A GIS-based assessment of carbon sequestration in Mati City during and after COVID-19. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  3. Aljber M, Jeong J-S, Lee HS, Soto Calvo M, Williams Z, and Cabrera JS. 2024. Optimal tidal array positioning and orientation in Obatake Strait in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using large eddy simulation with adaptive mesh refinement. The 3rd IBC, DOrSU, the Philippines. 24 Oct. 2024.
  4. Williams Z, Soto Calvo M, Aljber M, Jeong J-S, Cabrera JS, and Lee HS. 2024. Design of a low-cost autonomous seawater monitoring buoy for coastal ecosystem monitoring. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  5. Cabrera JS, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, and Aljber M, and Williams Z, and Soto Calvo M. 2024. Sea level analysis in major ocean basins using improved complete EEMD with adaptive noise (ICEEMDAN) for data decomposition and K-neareast neighbours (KNN) for data imputation. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  6. Aljber M, Lee HS, Jeong J-S, and Cabrera JS. 2024. Tsunami inundation modelling in a built-in coastal environment with adaptive mesh refinement: The Onagawa Benchmark Test. JSCE coastal engineering conference 2024, Akita, Japan. 6 – 8 Nov. 2024
  7. Aljber M., Lee H.S. and Cabrera J.S. Tsunami modelling in a built-in environment with adaptive mesh refinement and varying bottom friction. ICCE2022 – the 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 4-9 December 2022, International Convention Center, Sydney, Australia
  8. Henriquez C.F., Lee H.S., Mas E. and Cabrera J.S. Tsunami evacuation in a mass crowd event using agent-based model. ICCE2022 – the 37th International Conference on Coastal Engineering, 4-9 December 2022, International Convention Center, Sydney, Australia
  9. Cabrera J. and Lee H.S., 2022. Adaptive coastal zone health index (CoZHI) framework: A tool to assess the co-existence status between sustainable development and coastal zone environment. .Japan Society of Civil Engineers (JSCE) CEC conference, 8-11 November, Yokosuka, Japan (accepted)
  10. Aljber M.Sakanoue G., Cabrera J.S., Jeong J.-S., and Lee H.S. Assessment of potential tidal power sites in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan, using multi-criteria evaluation. ICEER2022 – The 9th International Conference on Energy and Environment Research, 12-16 September 2022. (Best Oral Presentation Award)
  11. Cabrera J.S. and H.S. Lee. Adaptive Coastal Zone Health Index (CoZHI) Framework for Sustainable Coastal Zone Development and Management: An Expert-Driven Perspectives. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  12. Cabrera J.S. and H.S. Lee. Adaptive Coastal Zone Health Index (CoZHI) Framework for Sustainable Coastal Zone Development and Management: An Expert-Driven Perspectives. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 19th Annual meeting (2022), 01-05 August 2022, virtual conference.
  13. Cabrera J., and Lee H.S. Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Pluvial Flooding in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Vietnam water Cooperation Initiative (VACI) 2019, Hanoi, Vietnam, 22-25 March.
  14. Cabrera J., and Lee H.S. Quantitative Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Flood Risk in Davao Oriental, Philippines. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 15th Annual meeting (2018), Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-8 June.

In preparation:

  1. JSCE Coastal Engineering Committee conference (Abstract: March): Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan; 14th-17th November 2023. Title: Coastal zone vulnerability assessment: a case study for Hiroshima Prefecture
  2. APAC2023 conference (, Kyoto Terrsa, Kyoto, Japan; 14th-17th November 2023, Abstract due: January 10th, 2023. Title: Ocean basin sea level fluctuations: a recent decade’s   perspective
  3. AOGS2023 in Singapore. 30th July – 4th August 2023. Title: Impact of climate change on current and projected global sea level changes